Here, you will find information sheets on HIV/AIDS with basic texts about HIV, its treatments, access to the Spanish health system and the relationship with health professionals; addressed to health, community and institutional professionals who work with and for the immigrant population and immigrants living with HIV in Spain.
In Spanish, English, French, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Romanian and Wolof (spoken in Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Mali and Mauritania). All information sheets published up to 2010 are also available in Urdu and Chinese.
InfoVIHtal is undertaken in association with the Community Health Programme – Unit of Tropical Medicine and International Health at Drassanes in Barcelona and ETIS (Working Group on Immigration and Health); there is informative material produced by ourselves and in association with other community groups such as StopSida, Gais Positius, Creación Positiva, Salud entre Culturas and Genera, while other items are an adaptation of material edited by the London-based organisation NAM/Aidsmap